Thursday, 19 June 2008


Did you ever wonder what makes a good business? Well I have found the answer.


At BBS they know how to provide a professional service to their members.

The attention to detail is fantastic, the Diamond Elite website is easy to navigate round.

You have a wide verity of resources to help you in your business promotion. at Diamond Elite

You have access to a wide selection of e-books, at Diamond Elite

You get 5 hours a month exclusive access to private conference space, You decide what purpose you need to use it for. It could be hosting a presentation of one of your businesses, Team building seminar, or to create your own podcasts, the options are endless. at Diamond Elite

You get training in all aspects of network marketing, at Diamond Elite

You get 24/7 support at Diamond Elite

You get a 7 Day money back guarantee, at Diamond Elite

You get instant reports right to your desktop , telling you about all the new sign-ups, at Diamond Elite

You get Up to the minuet reports via email about sign-ups, at Diamond Elite

You get 85% Profits with full matrix, at Diamond Elite

You get your own Personal web-page, at Diamond Elite

You get your own leads notification direct to your email box, as people request information. at Diamond Elite

You get $17 for each personal signup, at Diamond Elite

You get Residual income paid out every month. at Diamond Elite

You get Spill over from the combined efforts of your upline. at Diamond Elite


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Saturday, 14 June 2008

$5000 a Month Residual Income!

A Knockout in Network Marketing!
$20 a Month Builds A $5000 a Month Residual Income!
$17.00 Signup Bonus on Personal Referrals!
85% Payout!!!
And ... MUCH MORE!!!
See for yourself!

Click Here To Learn About Diamond Elite

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BBS Diamond Elite Commissions Payout Daily

As you know, we have done our first commission payout for the signup bonuses. As of today, we are proud to announce that our pay system is now 100% autromated and will now payout daily at midnight PDT.

We would also like to bring to your attention the "Minimum Payout" option located in the "My Profile" area in your back office. Now what this feature does is allows you to choose how much money your want to hold back before paying out. The minimum is $17.00 and the maximum is $1000.00. So, for example, let's say you have $17.00 in signup bonuses, in order for you to get paid this $17.00, you need to select the $17.00 option. If you select $50, you will be paid your commissions once they reach $50.00

If you have it set to anything other than $17.00 and you have $17.00 in commissions coming to you, in order to receive them, you will need ot change it to $17.00 from what you have it set to at this time.

We would also like to remind you that we have weekly presentations and trainings in the BBS Global conference room located at Please make sure you make the time to attend. it is very important to the success of your business.

presentation at

3:00pm and 9:00pm EDT. On Thursdays

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Friday, 13 June 2008

Diamond Elite are Paying It Forward

Are you looking for a way to experience the full potential of the Diamond Elite System, but can't afford to fund an account right away? or just want to have time to understand the workings of the back office before you commit fully to the system. Well here is the perfect opportunity for you to join the growing ranks of BBS Global Diamond Elite.

You will then get full access to the Diamond Elite Business. We are inviting you to join as a Diamond Elite Member, once you are in the system I will personally pay my Commission of $17 into your Payitglobal Account after 7 days. This means that you will only be paying the tiny sum of $3 for a full 30 days.

This is what you have to do to be eligible for this fantastic offer.

  1. Sign up for a free Pay it global (PIG for short) Account.
  2. Look for Validation email from Payitglobal
  3. Fund your PIG account with $20.
  4. Join Diamond Elite.
  5. Look for validation of your Diamond Elite Membership.
  6. Contact me on skype my username is : deehudson
  7. I will then deposit $17 into your PIG account
  8. Come to the Trainings Regularly, To learn how to Build your Business.
By tomorrow you will be able to start inviting your contact to follow you into the Diamond Elite knowing that they too will be able to have confidence to develop a successful business in the best Affiliate Business today.

KEY WORDS : Affiliate Business, BBS Global Diamond Elite, Business online, Dee Hudson, Diamond Elite, Pay It Global, PIG,

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BBS Global Diamond Elite




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BBS GLOBAL Profit Sharing Online Shopping

Publisher: Dee Hudson


We have the Secret


BBS GLOBAL Diamond Elite Banner

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Diamond Elite Banner

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Where would you have been today if eBay had given you an affiliate program to market with all those years ago? BBS GLOBAL is the Shopping channel of the future the complete eCommerce centre that puts you at the forefront of business. BBS Global a new and exciting, Profit Sharing Program (PSP). This unique system rewards everyone in so many ways and is the pinnacle of any shopping program currently available within the marketplace .BBS Global is the most modern and innovative shopping experience ever created. Using the latest technology, BBS Global has created a universal platform that brings together Manufacturers, Merchants, Consumers, Non-Profit Organizations, and many other groups, virtually a "Closed User Buying Group" or "Co-operative" that rewards everyone. Google-the-diamond-elite-and-world-wide-web, Google, BBS Global Diamond Elite, BBS, Global, Diamond Elite, world, wide, web, bbs global, Dee Hudson