Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Why This site is Top of Google searches

Why This site is Top of Google searches HERE

Key Words : Why This site is Top of Google searches, Top of Google, Google searches, Dee Hudson, BBS Global, BBS Global Diamond Elite,

BBS Global Diamond Elite ... Act to Day

This Is

Please Read This and Act Today,
Before You Miss Out ...

The information you're about to read is


Imagine having a crystal ball a few months before EBay, My Space or YouTube were launched...

Imagine having someone tell you clearly how to make money from these sites.

Would you have been interested?

Probably not, but we bet you would be if you could go back and take the opportunity now?

Now you have the chance to put that right and get in on the next and quite possibly what could be the last real unique evolution of the Internet!

Yes we know you probably hear that sort of thing all the time, but this time we truly believe that it is true...

Although mediums like eBay, My Space and YouTube are still growing, the opportunity to make money from them is no longer very easy, simply because now everyone sees the opportunity, and they are trying to profit like the first guys did. No chance!

It was and always is the people who take advantage of these opportunities while they are in their infancy who make the Big Bucks!

This is called "First Mover Advantage"

These people always seem to be in at the beginning. This time, you are getting the heads up on something that will revolutionize the Internet and take it to the next level.

The opportunity for you to have the same kind of success as these great entrepreneurs is now almost here... but only if you take action.

We are on the Verge of the Next Evolution...

Are You In This Time?

Visit MY Blog

Watch the Movie


Join below as a Diamond Member.

Only $10 per Month That’s 0.33c Per Day

(The Price of a Mac Donald’s Meal)

Dee Hudson

Then Complete the expression of interest form found here

Only if you want to learn how to build a massive Downline FAST

Then Send To

KEY WORDS: EBay, MySpace, YouTube, First Mover Advantage, expression of interest, Dee Hudson, Watch the Movie, act today, BBS Global Diamond Elite,

Friday, 8 June 2007

New Google Group

If you are still not sure what the Diamond Elite at BBS Global is all about then you might want to pop over to their new Google Group and chat with other members already involved. between this Blog and the Group you should get a fuller picture of BBS Global.


Or use this Feed on your site to get instant feed

Also feel free to ask questions here on this blog as each are fully maned and ready to help you succeed in building your business expertise

Key words: Google-the-diamond-elite-and-world-wide-web, Google, BBS Global Diamond Elite, BBS, Global, Diamond Elite, world, wide, web, bbs global, blog, group, Dee Hudson

Friday, 1 June 2007

BBS Global The Power of One

Today BBS Global Diamond Elite Launched and the Turn out at the meeting was fantastic, There was a full demonstration of how the predicted figures are going to be based on the growth so far within the First week in Pre launch.

50 Plus Members have joined in that period alone.

Imagine as the Name BBS GLOBAL and Diamond Elite become household name, and that will happen take my word for it.

I know that with the right training anyone can find one person per month to come into this program. Here are the Predictions for the Future based on one a month in your down line.

Level Members Reward Points $ - Reward TOTAL
You 1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00
Level 1 3.00 3,000.00 $9.00 $9.00
Level 2 9.00 9,000.00 $27.00 $36.00
Level 3 27.00 27,000.00 $81.00 $117.00
Level 4 81.00 81,000.00 $243.00 $360.00
Level 5 243.00 243,000.00 $729.00 $1,089.00
Level 6 729.00 729,000.00 $2,187.00 $3,276.00
Level 7 2,187.00 2,187,000.00 $6,561.00 $9,837.00
Level 8 6,561.00 6,561,000.00 $19,683.00 $29,520.00
Level 9 19,683.00 19,683,000.00 $59,049.00 $88,569.00
TOTAL $88,569.00

As you can see very impressive figures in deed, Don't for get that the figures above are based on you getting 3 people in your team that's one per month for 3 months

The Power of One
relay does work

Press Release: By DEE HUDSON, Diamond Elite Launch

Press Release: By DEE HUDSON, Diamond Elite Launch

With the Up & Coming launch of the BBS GLOBAL Diamond Elite leaders Club it is expected to be a total success for all the wise people that secure their spot NOW!

Mike Dutton CEO of the Company is expecting enormous success from this venture in bringing leaders in the Market place together. The new Tri- Poly Matrix is a revolutionary idea. It works on the basis of Diamond Members in the Main BBS Global ecommerce group applying for a position in the Tri Poly Matrix By Application & Payment of a holding Fee. They are then placed in a holding group till they reach the required qualifications.

Qualifications Required

  • To Bring in Three People
  • Help Train those Three People To bring in Three People them selves
  • Be Active in working as part of a team of leaders
  • Continue to work as a team bringing in new members every month

The levels of training on this new and exciting Opportunity are outstanding and the good news is that cost has been reduced to keep it accessible to all people that are truly committed to wanting success in Business online.

If you are interested in finding out more about the BBS Global Diamond Elite Team or want to join Then Please Contact Dee Hudson


complete the expression of interest form found here

The Next step is send completed copy to Mike Dutton Direct at BBS GLOBAL
Submit Form Here

Head Office - BBS Global

8 Laurel Road


Western Australia 6018

(Western Australia)
Phone:(08) 9463 6630
Fax: (08) 9463 6631
(South Australia)
Phone:(08) 8311 1130
Fax: (08) 8311 1131
Phone:(03) 8648 6630
Fax: (03) 8648 6631
(New South Wales)
Opening Soon

Opening Soon
Phone:(07) 3337 9930
Fax: (07) 3337 9931

Phone:+618 9463 6630
Fax: +618 9463 6630

0410 080 610

Keywords: Press Release, DEE HUDSON, Diamond Elite Launch, BBS GLOBAL, Elite leaders Club, Tri- Poly Matrix, ecommerce, training, new and exciting Opportunity, Business online

BBS Global Diamond Elite




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BBS GLOBAL Profit Sharing Online Shopping

Publisher: Dee Hudson


We have the Secret


BBS GLOBAL Diamond Elite Banner

BBS GLOBAL Diamond Elite Banner
Diamond Elite Banner

meta tag

Where would you have been today if eBay had given you an affiliate program to market with all those years ago? BBS GLOBAL is the Shopping channel of the future the complete eCommerce centre that puts you at the forefront of business. BBS Global a new and exciting, Profit Sharing Program (PSP). This unique system rewards everyone in so many ways and is the pinnacle of any shopping program currently available within the marketplace .BBS Global is the most modern and innovative shopping experience ever created. Using the latest technology, BBS Global has created a universal platform that brings together Manufacturers, Merchants, Consumers, Non-Profit Organizations, and many other groups, virtually a "Closed User Buying Group" or "Co-operative" that rewards everyone. Google-the-diamond-elite-and-world-wide-web, Google, BBS Global Diamond Elite, BBS, Global, Diamond Elite, world, wide, web, bbs global, Dee Hudson